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3D-Printed PEEK Stent Revolutionizes Nutcracker Syndrome Treatment

Discover how the innovative use of 3D-printed PEEK stents is transforming the treatment of Nutcracker Syndrome, highlighting the groundbreaking work at Tangdu Hospital with INTAMSYS 3D printing solutions.

In the medical industry, metal 3D printing technology has been widely used for hard tissue repair and replacement. Metal materials such as stainless steel and titanium alloys are traditional raw materials for hard tissue implants. With the promotion of 3D printing within medical applications, PEEK material has gradually emerged among many medical 3D printing raw materials, and for good reasons. PEEK has excellent biocompatibility and is relatively easy to process and shape compared with traditional titanium used for implants. PEEK is also more X-ray transmissive and has advantages similar to bone elasticity. Because of these outstanding characteristics, PEEK has become the most important thermoplastic substitute for titanium implants, and is now used in production.

A Minimally Invasive Surgery for Nutcracker Syndrome Using PEEK Implant

Nutcracker syndrome, also known as left renal vein entrapment syndrome, is characterized by impeded outflow from the left renal vein into the inferior vena cava due to an abnormally narrow angle between the abdominal aorta and the superior mesenteric artery or between the abdominal aorta and the spine, resembling a nut between the jaws of a nutcracker. This phenomenon results in the formation of venous reflux, renal hilar varices, and an increase in left renal vein pressure, which mainly cause hematuria, proteinuria, and left flank/abdominal pain, as well as pelvic congestion in females and left-sided varicocele in males. Although uncommon, this diagnosis is important due to the risk of associated morbidities, including chronic kidney disease due to long-term left renal vein hypertension and left renal vein thrombosis.

Surgical treatment is the most effective way to relieve the compression of the left renal vein and alleviate symptoms. In 2018, the Department of Urology at Tangdu Hospital in China conducted the world’s first operation using 3D printing technology to manufacture human implants using bio-compatible PEEK material, creating another precedent for the treatment of nutcracker syndrome. PEEK printing requires very high environmental and nozzle temperatures, so 3D printing equipment must maintain a constant temperature environment and be able to print at these high temperatures. Tangdu Hospital found in the INTAMSYS FUNMAT HT 3D printer the perfect solution to meet the needs of medical printing with PEEK and to explore more opportunities with this material. The main benefits of the FUNMAT HT are its chamber temperature, which can reach up to 90°C, and the extrusion nozzle, which can reach 450°C, preventing warping of PEEK printed parts.

PEEK implant printed by the INTAMSYS FUNMAT HT

PEEK Replaces Titanium Alloy as the Preferred Implant Material

In the past, the implants for this operation were mostly titanium alloys. With the deepening of 3D printing applications, PEEK has received more and more attention. As a thermoplastic engineering plastic, PEEK enjoys excellent mechanical properties and shows good performance. Its biocompatibility, chemical resistance, easy processing, and repeatable sterilization have turned it into a substitute for titanium alloys.

According to Professor Cao Tiesheng, head of the 3D Printing Research Center of a Medical University in China, “PEEK implants have many advantages compared to the previously used titanium alloy implants. First of all, PEEK material will not affect the later medical examination of patients, such as CT, B-ultrasound, magnetic resonance medical exams, etc. At the same time, it will not cause trouble for the patient to board the plane and to go through the security check. Moreover, PEEK and its composite materials have good wear resistance, which can effectively avoid inflammation and osteolysis around the implant caused by wear particles. Therefore, the application of PEEK in orthopedic implants is considered to be one of the best candidate materials to replace traditional titanium alloy implants.”

3D Printing Helps Achieve Precise and Personalized Extravascular Stents

Small parts for different applications printed with FUNMAT HT
Small parts for different applications printed with FUNMAT HT (photo credit: Rennteam)

Carbon-Fiber Structures

Their in-house INTAMSYS Printers 3D printed parts have a unique application in carbon-fiber structures. To shape the carbon-fiber structures and prevent them from melting at high temperatures during the process, the team uses 3D-printed parts made from PEI material. The high strength and heat resistance of PEI make it suitable for the hot and pressurized environment inside an autoclave.


Air Geo

The team also uses PEI a lot inside their high-voltage accumulator. With its fire resistance and high strength abilities, PEI is again the perfect choice for many parts inside the accumulator. One of these parts is Air Geo, which is located inside the accumulator at the back of the car. This component serves as a housing for cables, relays, fuses, and numerous PCBs, ranging from light indicators for the accumulator to the accumulator management system.

INTAMSYS FUNMAT PRO 610HT: Enhancing Performance

New Wheel Package

Enhanced aerodynamics and kinematics improve the car's handling and speed, crucial for better track performance.
Carbon Rim and New Brake Caliper
Lighter and more durable, these components ensure superior control and reliability, enhancing overall performance and safety.
Carbon Rim and New Brake Caliper
The E0711-11 EVO includes 99 3D-printed parts, reducing weight and production costs, showcasing the team's commitment to advanced manufacturing.
Weight Reduction
High-performance polymers and 3D printing have reduced the EVO's weight by over half a kilo, enhancing speed and agility on the track.

After thorough research and benchmarking, WEERG chose INTAMSYS as their supplier. The INTAMSYS FUNMAT PRO 410 met all their requirements with features like a heated chamber, dual heated nozzles, and a heated filament chamber.

INTAMSYS offered one single solution that got it all:

  • A robust printer with a sleek aesthetic finish, heated chamber, dual heated nozzles, and heated filament chamber.
  • Free and user-friendly software with incorporated printing settings (Click and Print experience) for a wide range of materials (from PA12-CF to PEEK).
  • Reliable support, and most importantly for WEERG, honesty and a true partnership.
WEERG also appreciated the user-friendly software with incorporated printing settings and the reliable support from INTAMSYS.

They went for INTAMSYS and received their FUNMAT PRO 610HT in June 2021. Since the purchase of the printer, they have printed many prototypes, some end-use parts, and from time to time jigs/fixtures and tooling parts.

As the printer has a high chamber temperature (up to 300°C), it also means that all temperatures in between are covered too. 4D Concepts has printed out parts of many plastic types; from PLA, ABS, PC, to PAEK, PEEK, PEI 9085/1010.


4D Concepts – prototype of a temperature-resistant pulley made of glass-fiber reinforced PEEK (PEEK-GF).


We accompany our customers in a professional manner throughout the entire project - from planning and design to the prototype or the production of a complete series. Combining our 3D printing processes with conventional component processing, post-processing and surface refinement of the prototypes, small series or even a trade fair exhibit is our daily business. Since the company was founded in 1995, our experienced team in Gross-Gerau has made a name for itself well beyond the borders of the Rhine-Main area. We are one of the leading service providers for everything to do with 3D printing and have more than satisfied customers from a wide variety of industries - from the automotive and consumer goods industries to mechanical engineering and companies from the medical technology sector.

Alex Di Maglie
Managing Director,  4D Concepts

We were looking for printers that can print high-performance materials and run 24/7 on our production floor. INTAMSYS offered a robust printer, a nice aesthetic finish, and a true partnership.

Founder & CEO, WEERG

Discover WEERG’s Journey with INTAMSYS’ Printers

The application of high-end filaments made of high-performance plastics such as PEI is not new to the field of 3D Printing. However, it requires both, a wide range of skills (materials and production) and the appropriate machinery.

Thanks to its large-format 3D printer from INTAMSYS, 4D Concepts can now process a wide range of high-end plastics with excellent thermal and mechanical properties for prototyping. Parts are out of PEI 9085.


Innovative thinking such as interdisciplinary and medical-industrial integration is a powerful means for the further development of clinical medicine, and medical 3D printing technology is such a sharp sword that can overcome practical clinical problems. I believe that in the near future, 3D printing technology will push the medical industry into an exciting new era.

Professor Cao Tiesheng
Tangdu Hospital



    FUNMAT PRO 410

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    Open-Sourced Filaments

3D-Printed PEEK Extravascular Stent Revolutionizes Nutcracker Syndrome Treatment

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Our Solution

INTAMSYS has sponsored the GreenTeam with a FUNMAT HT 3D printer, INTAM™ filaments, and consultation services. The 3D printed parts from INTAMSYS are used in various subsystems of the car, including the battery system, braking system, and power electronics.

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    Lower Cost, Shorter Lead Times

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    Versatile INTAM™ Polymers

Tank Holder

The tank holder is a new part in this year´s racing car. The part is printed on the FUNMAT PRO 610HT with the material choice of ABS. For the driverless disciplines, the team uses pressurized air to activate the brakes in an emergency. This year, they changed the concept of how pressurized air is stored, which required a new mounting solution. The tank holder is designed to solve this challenge.

Tank holder
Flap Ribs (2)

Flap Ribs

Other 3D printed parts, using the FUNMAT PRO 610HT and PC material, are the flap ribs that play a crucial role in the construction of the car’s side wing. These ribs are glued into the carbon-fiber shells and incorporate threaded inserts for attaching the wing to the chassis.

While the team has used these ribs for years, they have redesigned for this season to accommodate changes in the aerodynamic shape of the wings. Using INTAMSUITE™ NEO and the 3D printing technology, they conducted topology optimization to achieve the lightest possible geometry, resulting in an organic shape that would not be possible to manufacture by milling.